Transform monoliths into microservices with AI

In a recent study*, companies with monolithic architectures were 2X more likely to have issues with engineering velocity, scalability, and application resiliency, than those with microservices.

If you’re ready to transform your monolith into microservices, vFunction architectural observability platform can modernize your Java and .NET applications 4X faster.

Key features:

  • Assess modernization viability: Analyze and prioritize applications based on modernization potential and complexity
  • Discover aging frameworks: Identify and update outdated frameworks
  • Modularize application domains: Refactor monolithic code with guided to-dos to improve modularity
  • Automate microservice extraction: Generate REST APIs and client libraries for new microservices
  • Simplify code refactoring with OpenRewrite: Modernize apps and reduce technical debt with integrated, open-source code refactoring tools

Application modernization doesn’t need to be an all-consuming project. Request a demo today to discover how vFunction accelerates microservice transformation.

*vFunction Research Report of 1,000 engineering leaders and practitioners, “Microservices, Monoliths, and the Battle Against $1.52 Trillion in Technical Debt,” 2024

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“We are excited to be working with vFunction to monitor our applications to detect and fix issues before they result in more serious consequences."

Martin Lavigne

R&D Lead, Trend Micro

Research Report

Microservices, Monoliths, and the Battle Against $1.52 Trillion in Technical Debt

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See how vFunction can accelerate engineering velocity and increase application resiliency and scalability at your organization.