Optimize your architecture today, innovate faster tomorrow

Today’s software and engineering teams are under tremendous pressure to constantly release features. The race to stay competitive has resulted in growing software complexity and technical debt.

vFunction is an AI-driven architectural observability platform that accelerates engineering velocity and boosts application scalability and resiliency by continuously measuring, prioritizing, and remediating technical debt and complexity in applications.

Key features:

  • Discover architectural health
  • Fix technical debt
  • Create actionable insights 
  • Prevent architectural drift 
  • Any architecture. Any language. Any app.
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Trusted by


increase in release frequency

Intesa Sanpaolo


decrease in deployment time

Trend Micro


reduction in regression testing


Research Report

Microservices, Monoliths, and the Battle Against $1.52 Trillion in Technical Debt

“I wish we had vFunction when I started at Turo. This kind of architectural observability gives us a much better understanding into our application and helps us with decision making as we move forward."

Adam Safran

Senior Engineering Manager at Turo

Get started with vFunction

See how vFunction can accelerate engineering velocity and increase application resiliency and scalability at your organization.