
Application Modernization Patterns & Anti-Patterns: An Intellyx eBook

Given the complexity and interdependence of today’s multi-layered application estates, business leaders need to prioritize their modernization efforts before they start pulling on threads that can unravel further complexity.

This Intellyx eBook will explore four key consideration factors for modernizing applications, so we can observe and learn from the successes and mistakes of other organizations. An understanding of these patterns and anti-patterns can better align refactoring efforts with business goals.

Download the Intellyx & vFunction eBook to dive into four key topics:

  • Why Application Modernization Strategies Fail
  • Is Application Modernization your Digital Transformation Ball and Chain?
  • Flip the Script on Lift-and-Shift Modernization, with Refactoring
  • “Java Monoliths” — Modernizing an Oxymoron

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