What is application modernization? The ultimate guide.

Matt Tanner

August 14, 2024

Applications are the lifeblood of modern businesses. Yet many organizations find themselves burdened by existing legacy applications that can stifle growth and innovation. Application modernization is the process of revitalizing outdated applications to align with current business needs and take advantage of the latest technological advancements.

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This guide will delve into the fundamentals of application modernization – what it is, why it’s crucial, and proven strategies for success. We’ll uncover the benefits, essential tools, and best practices that will help your applications thrive in today’s digital landscape. Whether you’re an architect, a developer, or part of a team seeking to future-proof your tech stack, this guide will be your roadmap to modernize legacy applications successfully.

What is application modernization?

Application modernization goes far beyond basic maintenance or upgrades. It represents a fundamental shift in how you approach your legacy applications, transforming them into adaptable, cloud-ready solutions using the latest application modernization technology. As technology advances, modernization has also morphed. Application modernization can encompass techniques that range from breaking down monolithic applications into independent microservices to embracing containerization and cloud-based deployments. It may involve integrating cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence or serverless functions to unlock new capabilities that the business requires but are not possible in the application’s current state.

App modernization isn’t confined to the code itself. It influences the entire application lifecycle. This means re-evaluating your development methodologies, integrating DevOps principles, and setting up the organization and existing applications for continuous improvement and innovation. While application modernization can be a significant undertaking, it’s often viewed as an essential investment rather than simply a cost. Successful modernization projects deliver enhanced agility, reduced technical debt, and a competitive edge.

Why do you need application modernization?

As mentioned, application modernization is necessary, and for companies built on technology, it is unavoidable if they want to stay relevant. Once the backbone of most operations, legacy applications can transform into significant liabilities if their current state stifles innovation and requires a lot of maintenance. Implementing a robust application modernization strategy can help mitigate these issues. Here are a few ways legacy applications can hold organizations back and may signal the need for application modernization.

Technical debt

Older systems often accumulate a burden of inefficient architectures, complex dependencies, and outdated programming practices. This technical debt makes any change slow, expensive, and prone to unintended consequences. For most organizations, this is the number one factor stifling their ability to innovate.

Agility constraints

Monolithic architectures and inflexible deployment models make even minor updates challenging. As a result, businesses cannot respond quickly to market changes, customer demands, or emerging opportunities.

Security risks 

Outdated applications may contain known vulnerabilities or no longer actively supported dependencies. This exposes businesses to cyberattacks that can result in data breaches, downtime, and damage to reputation.

Scalability challenges

Legacy systems often struggle to handle increased traffic, data growth, or new functionality. This can create bottlenecks, frustrating user experiences, and lost revenue opportunities. Scalability is usually possible but at an increasing price. This leads to our next point about increased costs.

Rising costs

The upkeep of outdated applications can become a significant drain on resources. As applications age or are required to scale, organizations may face ballooning infrastructure costs and dependence on expensive legacy vendors. For legacy technologies, finding developers with the necessary skills to maintain these systems is becoming increasingly difficult and costly.

Once it is complete, app modernization aims to alleviate these pain points. A successful modernization project will result in the business becoming more agile, secure, and cost-effective.

What are the benefits of application modernization?

Now, let’s look deeper at the benefits of successful application modernization. Although modernization efforts can be costly, application modernization is a strategic investment that substantially benefits organizations. Here’s a closer look at the key advantages of upgrading an application to modern standards and practices.

Enhanced agility

Modernized applications are designed for rapid change. Businesses built on modern applications and infrastructure can roll out new features, updates, and enhancements with greater speed and confidence using application modernization software. This agility allows you to respond swiftly to customer feedback and market trends, which are all requirements to stay ahead of the competition.

Improved scalability

By leveraging cloud-native architectures and technologies like containerization, your applications can gracefully handle fluctuations in demand. Shifting to the cloud helps to ensure peak performance, avoids unnecessary infrastructure costs, and makes growth much more effortless.

Increased efficiency

Modernization and the adoption of the latest tools and frameworks help streamline workflows and automate tasks. This frees up your team to focus on innovation, reduces operational overhead, and decreases time to market. Changes can be made rapidly and confidently as market needs fluctuate.

Greater cost savings

Cloud adoption, shedding outdated hardware dependencies, and optimizing your development processes can dramatically reduce your long-term IT expenses and total cost of ownership of applications. Modernized applications generally cost less to maintain, update, and scale.

Enhanced security

Application modernization results in a better security posture since the latest infrastructure and frameworks are used and consistently patched. This allows organizations to fix vulnerabilities and implement advanced security protocols as they become available. It also allows them to implement the latest approaches for application security, like moving towards zero-trust architectures to protect sensitive data and maintain customer confidence.

Overall, application modernization results in more resilient and secure applications. Proper planning and education can ensure that these benefits are realized by organizations that are undertaking application modernization initiatives. To get on the right track, let’s look at some common patterns for modernization.

Patterns for modernizing applications

Successful application modernization draws upon several established patterns. Choosing the right approach—or, more likely, a mix of approaches—requires careful analysis of an application’s current and future state functionalities, an organization’s business objectives, and the resources available to undertake the modernization project.

The “Rs” of modernization

The application modernization framework, known as the “Rs” of modernization, is a helpful starting point when planning application modernization. These approaches range from minimal changes to a complete rethink of your application.

seven Rs of application modernization


In some cases, replacing your legacy application with a readily available commercial-off-the-shelf solution (COTS) or a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering might be the most practical approach, particularly if the desired functionality exists in a packaged solution.


Sometimes, the best course of action is to leave well-functioning applications alone. Certain legacy applications may already function reliably, deliver adequate business value, and have minimal interaction with other systems. If modernization offers a negligible return on investment,  it’s often best to backlog these apps and focus resources elsewhere, continuing to monitor the application for signs that further action is required.


Legacy applications can become costly to maintain, pose increasing security risks, and lack the features needed to support current and future business needs. If a system is clearly hindering innovation or constant maintenance strains resources, retiring it in a planned fashion might be the best strategy. Retirement of an application generally involves phasing out the application and gracefully migrating any essential data or functionality to modern replacements if that data or functionality is still required.

Rehost (“Lift and Shift”)

This involves moving your application to a new infrastructure environment, often the cloud, while making minimal changes to the code itself. It’s a good choice for rapidly realizing the benefits of a modern cloud platform without a significant overhaul.


With re-platforming, you adapt your application to a new platform, such as a different cloud provider, a newer operating system, or a newer version of the framework the app is built on. Limited code changes may be needed, but the core functionality remains intact.


In this scenario, you rewrite your entire application from the ground up using modern architectures and technologies. This is often the most intensive option, reserved for no longer viable systems or when complete innovation is the goal.


This pattern focuses on restructuring an application’s codebase to enhance its design, maintainability, and performance. This could involve breaking a monolithic application into microservices or introducing new programming techniques, but overall, the application’s external behaviors remain the same.

Other common patterns

On top of the option above, some other common patterns can be used for application modernization as well. Some of the most popular are covered below.

Incremental Modernization (The “Strangler Fig” Pattern)

Gradually strangle your monolithic application by systematically replacing its components with new, typically microservice-based, implementations. New and old systems operate side-by-side, allowing for a controlled, risk-managed transition.


Containerization encapsulates your application and its dependencies into self-contained units, usually leveraging technologies like Docker and Kubernetes. These containers can run reliably across environments, boosting portability, application scalability, and deployment efficiency. This pattern lends itself particularly well to cloud migration.

Event-Driven Architectures

Applications designed around event-driven architectures react to events in real-time. Technologies like message queues and streaming platforms make this possible, increasing scalability and resilience while reducing tight coupling between different parts of your system.

In most cases, real-world application modernization involves strategically combining multiple patterns. Starting small and building upon initial successes can demonstrate value and gain organizational buy-in for your modernization roadmap. For the particulars on how to do this, let’s look at some critical pieces of a successful application modernization strategy.

Strategies for transforming legacy systems

As mentioned, implementing a successful application modernization strategy requires careful consideration and execution. Tailored strategies for Java modernization and .NET modernization can streamline this process by addressing the specific needs of these popular platforms. With this in mind, let’s look at essential application modernization strategies to streamline the process and maximize your outcomes.

Start with a thorough assessment

Before taking action to modernize existing apps, conduct a detailed assessment of your existing application landscape. Analyze individual applications, their architecture, dependencies, code quality, and alignment with your current business needs. This assessment will uncover the most pressing challenges and help you strategically prioritize reaching your target state.

Define clear goals

Articulate the specific reasons behind your modernization project. Are you aiming for improved agility, reduced costs, enhanced scalability, a better user experience, or a combination of factors? Having well-defined goals ensures that your modernization efforts stay focused and progress is tracked effectively.

Plan for incremental change

Avoid disruptive, “big bang” modernization projects whenever possible. Instead, break down the process into manageable increments. Identify functional components of the application that can be modernized independently. This iterative approach is the best way to mitigate risk and allows for early wins. It also helps to cultivate a culture and framework for continuous improvement.

Choose the right technologies

Modernization success hinges on the right technology choices. Carefully evaluate cloud services (including hybrid cloud and private cloud solutions), containerization software and technologies, microservice architectures, DevOps toolchains, and modern software frameworks. Select the tools and paradigms that align with your long-term vision and support the features you plan to build.

Invest in your people

Your development team must embrace new skills and approaches as part of the modernization journey. This requires organizations to provide opportunities for training and upskilling, ensuring that your team can effectively leverage any new technologies you’ll be introducing.

Emphasize security from the start

Security must be a top priority throughout your modernization efforts and be a critical focus from the outset. Incorporate modern security frameworks and practices (such as the “shift-left” testing methodology), promote secure coding standards, and fully utilize any cloud-native security features your chosen platform provides. 

While traditional software development principles apply, app modernization often benefits from a more specialized methodology. Techniques like domain-driven design (DDD) and continuous code refactoring offer valuable ways to understand, decompose, and iteratively modernize large, complex legacy systems. Proper planning, whether it be from a technology roadmap perspective or human resources, is critical to a successful modernization journey.

Essential technologies for advancing application modernization

Using modern tools and techniques is a must when it comes to legacy application modernization. As you move from legacy frameworks and infrastructure, here are a few key technologies that can help with modernization efforts.

  • Cloud computing: Cloud platforms (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) provide flexibility, scalability, and managed services that reduce the burden of on-premises infrastructure.  For organizations that accelerate cloud adoption, it delivers cost savings, enables rapid deployment, and grants access to the latest innovations.
  • Containers: Key application modernization tools include containerization platforms like Docker and Kubernetes. These platforms facilitate consistent deployment across environments and simplify the orchestration of complex multi-component applications. Containers are often central to microservice-based architectures, assisting with modular development.
  • Microservices: Decoupling monolithic applications into smaller, independently deployable microservices can significantly improve agility and resilience in some cases. This approach allows for independent scaling and targeted updates, minimizing the impact of changes on the overall system.
  • DevOps Tools and best practices:  DevOps practices, supported by tools for continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), configuration management, and infrastructure as code (IaC),  increase the speed and reliability of software delivery.  DevOps helps break down the barriers between development and operations, a critical factor in accelerating modernization through rapid delivery.
  • Cloud-native data management: Modernizing your data storage and management approach is essential. Solutions like cloud-based data warehouses, data lakes, and high-performance databases are built for scale, enabling you to capitalize on your modernized application capabilities fully.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): With the latest advancements in AI and ML, integrating these features into your applications introduces the potential to automate tasks, gain deeper insights, personalize user experiences, and outpace your competition. It may also make sense to equip developers with the latest AI development tools, such as GitHub Co-Pilot, to improve developer productivity and speed up development cycles.

Selecting the methodologies and technologies for your modernization journey should be a strategic decision. The decisions should align with your business objectives, the nature of the applications being modernized, and your development team’s skills. A focused and customized approach to legacy application modernization ensures the maximum return on investment in technology.

Application modernization for enterprises

For enterprises, application modernization is a strategic undertaking. Extensive application portfolios, complex business processes, and the need for governance necessitate a well-planned approach. Building a strong business case is vital to secure executive buy-in. Highlight the ROI, cost savings, competitive edge, and risk mitigation modernization offers. A phased approach, starting with smaller, high-impact projects, allows for refining processes as the program scales. Change management is also crucial; proactive communication, training, and cross-functional collaboration ensure a smooth transition.

Enterprise modernization often necessitates a hybrid approach, maintaining legacy systems while modernizing others. A well-defined integration strategy is key to seamless functionality during the transition. Clear guidelines, architectural standards, and ongoing reviews maintain consistency and reduce long-term maintenance challenges. Enterprise architects can define the desired target state and iterate on a roadmap for transformation. Strategic partnerships with vendors can provide valuable expertise and resources. Finally, recognize that not every legacy application requires immediate modernization. A thorough assessment helps prioritize efforts based on business impact. Focus on the areas where modernization will yield the greatest results, aligning efforts with overall enterprise goals.

How vFunction can help with application modernization

Understanding your existing application’s current state is critical in determining whether it needs modernization and the best path to do so. This is where vFunction becomes a powerful tool to simplify and inform software developers and architects about their existing architecture and the possibilities for improving it.

top reasons for successful application modernization projects
Results from vFunction research on why app modernization projects succeed and fail.

Let’s break down how vFunction aids in this process:

1. Automated analysis and architectural observability: vFunction begins by deeply analyzing an application’s codebase, including its structure, dependencies, and underlying business logic. This automated analysis provides essential insights and creates a comprehensive understanding of the application, which would otherwise require extensive manual effort to discover and document. Once the application’s baseline is established, vFunction kicks in with architectural observability, allowing architects to observe how the architecture changes and drifts from the target state or baseline. As application modernization projects get underway, with every new code change, such as adding a class or service, vFunction monitors and informs architects, allowing them to observe the overall impacts of the changes.

2. Identifying microservice boundaries: If part of your modernization efforts is to break down a monolith into microservices, vFunction’s analysis aids in intelligently identifying domains, a.k.a. logical boundaries, based on functionality and dependencies within the monolith, suggesting optimal points of separation.3. Extraction and modularization: vFunction helps extract identified components within an application and package them into self-contained microservices. This process ensures that each microservice encapsulates its own data and business logic, allowing for an assisted move towards a modular architecture. Architects can use vFunction to modularize a domain and leverage Code Copy to accelerate microservices creation by automating code extraction. The result is a more manageable application that is moving towards your target-state architecture.

Key advantages of using vFunction

vfunction platform
vFunction analyzes applications then determines the level of effort to re-architect them.
  • Engineering velocity: vFunction dramatically speeds up the process of improving an application’s architecture and application modernization, such as moving monoliths to microservices if that’s your desired goal. This increased engineering velocity translates into faster time-to-market for products and features and a modernized application.
  • Increased scalability: By helping architects view their existing architecture and observe it as the application grows, scalability becomes much easier to manage. By seeing the landscape of the application and helping to improve the modularity and efficiency of each component, scaling is more manageable.
  • Improved application resiliency: vFunction’s comprehensive analysis and intelligent recommendations increase your application’s resiliency and architecture. By seeing how each component is built and interacts with each other, informed decisions can be made in favor of resilience and availability.


Legacy applications can significantly impede your business agility, innovation, and competitiveness. Application modernization is the key to unleashing the full potential of your technology investments and driving your digital transformation forward. But application modernization doesn’t have to be clear-the-decks, project-based. By following application modernization best practices and using vFunction architectural observability, companies can understand their architecture, pinpoint sources of technical debt and top modernization opportunities, and make a plan to modernize legacy applications incrementally as part of the regular CI/CD process. By embracing modern architectures, cloud technologies, and a strategic approach, application modernization can be a successful and worthwhile investment.

Ready to start your application modernization journey? vFunction is here to guide you every step of the way. Our platform, expertise, and commitment to results will help transition into a modern, agile technology landscape.

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Matt Tanner

Matt is a developer at heart with a passion for data, software architecture, and writing technical content. In the past, Matt worked at some of the largest finance and insurance companies in Canada before pivoting to working for fast-growing startups.

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